June 29, 2009

Lake George

The crew trekked up to NY for a great 4 day weekend. We did some swimming, skiing, rope swinging, boating, tubing, fishing, lounging, laughing, camp fire, visited Fort Ticonderoga and saw some "strange people", played games....and just enjoyed each other and life itself!
We had an amazing time at Karen's (Tara's good friend) lake house...thanks for having us!!!

June 24, 2009

Computer time

Nick showed Brie how to Blog one day...hanging out with Mimi and pressing keys.

June 21, 2009

BBQ at Mom and Dad's

Happy Father's Day!On our ride home from a great day... she makes us laugh!

We were all sweating...

Mom, Tara, Drew and I took Brielle for a photo shoot....like she doesn't already have tons of pictures taken of her already...
It was a gift to her Dad...and lets just say.. she didn't enjoy the photographer one bit. It was humorous after the fact.

Here she is kind of smiling for Tara... She is thinking.. "are you kidding me woman!"
Another thought "take a look at these bloomers"
Drew trying to save the day.. Brie still wanted nothing to do with the woman behind the lens
"Are you for real?"
"Even if you try and use poor bunny to make me smile it won't work...this still stinks!"

Breakfast at Nana and Jed's

Nick and his girl.. 3 generations...love the hat!!
Jed and Nick loving Brielle
Hanging out in Jed's workshop
Brielle enjoying Nana

Happy Father's Day

Brielle can spend quality time with Daddy the next couple of months... Summer vacation is here!
Happy Father's Day!!

June 20, 2009

Drew's Birthday Party

Can you guess what the theme of the party was????

Guess who is back...

June 19, 2009

A great day...

Happy 60th Birthday Mom/Mimi
Mimi is making a wish...She got a little help blowing out her candles
Ryan... looking cute as ever!

After some carvel cake we headed to Silo's Steakhouse.. YUM!!!

June 17, 2009

Happy 81st Birthday Googie

Outside of Parker's... we had a delicious breakfast and a great time celebrating!

June 16, 2009

2 Years ago....

Flowers were sent to work...and cotton is the traditional 2nd anniversary present. Nick surprised me once again with a wonderful gift.. he picked out the fabric and got it embroidered. We are still deciding on what to do with it. It might go into a frame~so thoughtful!XOXO
We celebrated our 2nd anniversary... yes you guessed it.. at The Flats!!! It was Brielle's first time there...

June 14, 2009


Brielle loving her teething ring.Brielle not loving her sling..I was reading the directions while Nick was laughing so hard at her face...She was a trooper! Enjoying her bumbo for the first time by herself

We love our little girl!