May 31, 2009

The girls...

Brielle enjoying Nana and Auntie Anna...notice she is going to be a hockey player!

Hanging around on a rainy/sunny Sunday

Daddy is getting the backpack ready...1 more month and we will be good! Loving with her Mom
Around the yard..

Our owl friend

We now hear 3 owlets ... here is the Dad calling to his owlets.. so cute! Our mission is to see the owlets

May 30, 2009

Getting bigger!!

Brielle tried out her new stroller....

We think she likes it.

May 29, 2009

Happy 60th Birthday Dad!!!

May 25, 2009

Hanging around

Papa was the man.. he caught 2 huge crabs... Drew and Brielle ready for their walk
Samantha and Brielle love to play
Brielle and her Daddy... she already misses him!

May 24, 2009

Tammy & Pat's Memorial Day BBQ

Samantha getting ready for the big party! 3 sisters
Nice hat Pat!
Mom and Dad
Our family
Dale, Nick and Mike at the BBQ
Drew was the hit of the party with his hat
Jen and Dad share the same birthday (May 29th) and we sang happy birthday to them

May 23, 2009

Brielle's first bike ride!!

She loved it... Nick hooked her in to fit just right!

Another Saturday night

Brielle met Great Uncle Jamie Dad and Uncle Jamie with all their friends... Mike and Nick enjoying the night

Go fly a kite

It was a perfect day to fly Drew's kite
Nick helping out Mike and Drew
Drew couldn't reach it because it was too high.. so cute!

Long weekend

Drew, Tara and I started playing early...others are still sleeping!!

May 22, 2009

Cape bound

Great Aunt Barbara and Great Gram came for a visitMore playing with Samantha Brielle just relaxing

May 18, 2009

Yard work

Nick spent Sunday afternoon cleaning up the yard.In the morning we caught 2 turkeys rolling around in the ashes..

May 17, 2009


Samantha and Tammy came up for a couple days and we got together for some serious play dates!

May 16, 2009

2 month check-up

Here is Brielle resting after a tough day yesterday getting her shots. She weighs 13lbs 3oz and 25 1/4 inches long.. she is off the charts for both!! She loves her bunny!

Happy 30th Birthday Gene

Cait had a surprise party for Gene at his parents house...
Brad, Nick, Dale Jon There is the man of the hour drinking out of his boot!

May 15, 2009

Junior Prom

I am one of the advisors for our Junior Class... and we can now say the prom is over.
The kids had a great was perfect!! The Prom Court
Katy and Liz (Liz is the other advisor with me)
Our President and V.P
Our first prom together.. (I did make Nick take a professional picture.. lets see how they come out!) :)