April 30, 2009

Hanging around & BBQ @ the house

Hanging out with her Uncle Bud
Kevin LOVES his Brielle
Hi Drew!
Kevin saying cheese!

April 28, 2009

Brielle and Samantha

They were so good for yet ANOTHER photo shoot :)

Papa and Drew with the ladies

Mimi and her girls

Brielle's first time at the beach and Woods Hole aquarium

April 25, 2009

Go Red Sox

Brielle loves to be in her la-z-boy watching the sox!


Dad and Nick helping Pat out in the yard

I think Nick looks like a professional :)

The fire kept on growing throughout the day
Tammy and Pat's backyard is getting bigger!!!

April 24, 2009

Daddy has arrived!

Nick has started his April vacation.. FINALLY!!

Spohrs Garden

Mom, Tammy, Samantha, Brielle and I went on a field trip today

I found my first turtle of the season

April 22, 2009

Pickle Club reunites

Holly, Ella, Tara, Drew and Brielle and I had a good morning together Holly and her girl Ella
Tara and Drew Bear
Ella wanting to play with sleepy Brielle
Ella saying cheese!