March 29, 2009

More Pictures :)

Nana with her first grandchild :)Auntie Anna with her niece

March 26, 2009


Great Grammy and Great Aunt Helen came up to meet Brielle today.
4 generations

Brielle relaxing on Aunt Helen :)
She loves her Great Gram

Thanks for coming to hang out!

March 25, 2009


Family picture
Brielle made her Dad a cake

We went out to dinner to Fratello's and Grady was playing... it was a fun night.

Happy Birthday Nick xoxo

Happy 30th Birthday to Nick!

March 22, 2009

Auntie Kristen met Brielle for the first time :) She loves going for car rides with mom and dad!

Hanging out

March 21, 2009

Tubby Time

Brielle got her first real bath today!!!

March 19, 2009

Road Trip

We went to visit Brielle's cousins and her Uncle Bud and Auntie Melissa

March 17, 2009

More visitors

Scott came by to say hi to Brielle Katy holding Bri...she was a little nervous!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

March 16, 2009

1st doctors visit

Brielle has already passed her birth weight!

March 13, 2009

Our trip home

What a little package we found on the front steps!

March 11, 2009

Day 2 in the hospital

I love to hold Daddy's hand So tired.. what a journey!
Dad and his girl
My bed while I stayed in the hospital
The hospital does a celebration dinner for new parents. It was great room service!

March 10, 2009

The love of our lives....

Brielle Morgan was born on 3/10 @ 2:08pm
She was 8lbs 15oz and 21.5 inches long

Nick was nice enough to take this picture of me with SEVERE back labor pains!

Here she is...Nick took her to get all her tests done

She is holding his hand :) What a cutie pieTara was there for the birth.. she was awesome!Me and my girl