February 24, 2009

Pats Peak

Nick and I ventured to the mountains with Ryan and Melissa. It was their first time on skis and they did awesome! Heading up the bunny slope on the magic carpet
Nice pose!

Nice bum!
Melissa and Ryan
Nick helping Ry out
Go Melissa!!

The 3 of them Ryan had enough... so we watched Melissa take a few more runs.

February 23, 2009

Out in Manchester

We went out to dinner to our favorite sushi place with Grady-- Thousand Crane (They are opening one in Nashua) :)Then we went to Billy's and met up with Gene, Steve and Cait.
Wow, I am prego!!


Here comes KevinMelissa and the 2 boys...Kevin is getting a whitewash :) Uncle Nick and the boys
Ryan being silly
This is how Kevin got back up the hill

The boys having fun
Here they come!

I think Nick is going to be tired tonight!
Nick and Ryan about to wipe out

February 22, 2009


Nick and I started our Feb. vacation this week and it couldn't have come at a better time~

February 20, 2009

Another Shower

The 7th grade team and students surprised me on Friday (well I knew about this one) with a shower. The students made all the cakes and decorations... and they even all pitched in to get me a Babies-r-us gift card! A big thank you to everyone.. it was great!Kids got dressed up...she made me laugh!

February 18, 2009


A couple of weeks ago the 8th grade team and students had a surprise baby shower for me. Yes, I was surprised.. they got me good. What a great group of kids!

One of my students made this cake with her sister!

Thank you all for a great time!!

February 15, 2009

Getting ready...

We were practicing with Fern... The baby's book and stuffed animal collection
My mom made these fancy curtains
Turtles.. and more turtles
We are getting more and more excited....:)

February 07, 2009

The Common Man

We took Stephanie, Henry and Makayla out for dinner and had a fantastic time.

February 06, 2009

Work Baby Shower

Stephanie hosted a great baby shower for me at her house. Thanks to everyone for making it so special. Nick and I are so lucky that we work with such wonderful people.
Katy and Winky
Some of my work friends
Delicious food!
The Christmas sweater!!!