January 27, 2009

A talented student!

One of my former students, now in 11th grade, came into my classroom and delivered this quilt to me. She is very talented!! The students call the baby.. Baby Kov and this quilt is for her!

January 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

We went over to Mom and Dad's to celebrate. We had some pizza and cake..mom made the cake and it was delicious!

Thanks for celebrating with me :)

January 24, 2009

Visit to see Drew, Tara & Mike

Drew would not take a picture with me, so here he is by himself. He did end up wishing me a happy birthday!

January 18, 2009


Nick, Renee and I went and got some ice cream last night. I think it was the first time I had snow piling up on my ice cream. Thanks for flying down from Toronto to visit and for coming to our baby shower!

January 17, 2009

Our Awesome Baby Shower!!!

The amazing cake Mom had made for us
Another one of Mom's famous diaper cakes. I loved it!!My Godmother...Aunt Barbara (nice orange)
My cabbage patch kid, Fern Jessie... I thought she was lost forever...

Linda made this quilt...:) Baby K will love it!

The sisters and Melissa
Tasia and Lisa
Angie, Kristen and Tiffany
We had such a great time. Thank you to everyone for coming and for all the great gifts! We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family.

January 11, 2009

More Snow!

Nick has his skis attached to his backpack and his snowshoes almost on.. he is going out back to explore! Our Christmas tree
One of the many friends we have at our feeders

January 09, 2009

Lee & Mt. Fuji in Peterborough, NH

We decided to go to dinner last minute and we all had a great time.
I think this is the biggest boat of sushi I have ever seen.
Stephanie and Makayla looking at the carrot that was sculptured into a fishStephanie being silly!Here it is closeup... it was amazing.. yes we did take it home. It is now on Henry and Stephanie's mantel.
Thanks Stephanie and Henry!