December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

We were just getting home from eating lobsters...YUM!

December 30, 2009

We are so proud...

and so is Brielle! :)

December 29, 2009

Up late playing...

Loves her Daddy!
I love this picture... she doesn't use a binki often so I thought she looked goofy!

December 27, 2009

Our Cowgirl!


Thanks Uncle Bud and Auntie Melissa for my new ball house!

Loves her diaper box rides!

Kristen came by and wanted to take Brielle home with her back to VT. :)

December 25, 2009

Christmas Night at Nana and Djed's

Nana and Brielle playing with Brie's new cell phone!Auntie Anna gave Brielle a new rocking horse! Giddy up!
New owl pj's!
Look at me.. I am taking steps.. with help!
Merry Christmas!

Lunch at Mimi and Papa's

Tara is doing a good job at handing out the cookies!

Christmas Morning

We had a wonderful morning and we know Brielle enjoyed every minute of it! :)

She loved tissue paper!
Showing us an ornament

December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve with Santa

We went to Bud and Melissa's house on Christmas Eve...
Ryan and Kevin opening up our gifts to them.Here they are with Santa.. they were soooo excited!Samantha made the trip to tell Santa she has been a good girl!We tried again.. and failed! Brielle and Sam We gave Googie mugs with all our pictures on it...this one is ours.. can you tell? It is orange!
Uncle Bud and Auntie Melissa

Family pic!
Tammy and I with our girls!

Christmas Eve morning with Mimi and Papa

We had a wonderful morning... xoxo
Brielle's new camo overalls
Brielle is not sure what Papa is doing :)
Can you guess what this is... yes, you're correct.. a quahogging glove to keep his hand warm and dry! It goes with his new rake and basket!!
We tried!

December 23, 2009

Vacation is here!

Tiffany came by today to meet Brielle.. it was great to catch up! Can't wait for your little one to arrive!

Dale spent the night and we exchanged gifts. Brielle is getting great practice in unwrapping gifts... the big day is almost here :) Yes, Dale is eating his gift Brie ended up in the box!

December 22, 2009

A new toy!

Nick and Dale unloaded the new scooter last night... they decided to ride it around the back yard.. yes there were a couple of spills...oh boy!