October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The teachers at our school were dressed as gangstas--check us out YO!
Kevin & Ryan as Spider-Man and Drew as an astronaut

Kevin and Googie

The boys having some pizza--look at Ryan :)

October 28, 2008

Pinkham Notch

Katy and I took 12 students up north for 2 days for leadership training.

Here is the entire group on a hike to Lost Pond.

October 24, 2008

Mt. Monadnock

Nick (in yellow) & Finch took some of their students for a day hike up Mt. Monadnock on Friday!

October 19, 2008

Davis Farm

Tara took Nick, Drew and I to see some animals today!
Hairy Donkey
Nick & Drew with some baby goats
Funny haircut
So soft!
Tara, Nick & Drew watching the ducks
Anyone want a kiss?

Enjoying some hot chocolate
Drew doing some fishing

October 17, 2008

Trip to The Flats in the Canu

Katy & Norbert in the backseat made for 15 people!

October 15, 2008

Fury Friend

I found him near our cars by the side of the house...SO CUTE!

October 11, 2008

The Poor "Canu"

We broke down a couple minutes from our house and had to get it towed. Nick fixed the carburetor and it is purring like a kitten... we took it out this weekend.

Bonfire at Bud & Melissa's

Kevin with his cupcake watching the fire
I think this will be going for the next week!

Milford Pumpkin Festival

We saw someone we knew there :)
Can you find Nick??

October 10, 2008

Mt. Washington

The four of us went up the auto road to take in the panoramic views with 80 miles of visibility

The cog going down
Nick looking for Dad's hat that blew off in the 75mph winds
Dad holding mom so she didn't blow away
We did it!! :)

To finish off the trip we had dinner at the Red Parka PubWe had a great day.. with lots of laughs!!

Up North!

This is the camp...Dad and Nick brought some stuff in and took some stuff out...mom and I just hung out and relaxed!

A view across the street

The long and winding dirt road behind us--12 miles in!

October 05, 2008

Apple Picking

It was a perfect day to go and pick some delicious apples with Mike, Tara & Drew!

Tara and Nick doing a great job :)

" Hairy Apple"