September 20, 2008

Fall is here!!

Ryan and Kevin saying CHEESE! While all the guys cut trees down at mom and dad's house we hung out and took pictures!!

September 17, 2008

Turkey anyone?

Dad finally got Tom back... would you look at this thing!!!

September 16, 2008


Our friend Linda has all these kittens... they are adorable!

September 14, 2008

Sunday Morning @ the lake

I am not sure how these Transformers were brought out... but they had fun reminiscing about which ones they liked best when they were little. Out for a swim.. here is Mike
and here is Nick..

September 13, 2008

Visit from Mike

We headed up to Lake Pawtuckaway for the weekend to be with Mike. His parents flew him in from Oregon to celebrate his 30th. We had a great time! Here are some fishing pictures I took...

A visit from Glenda and Nick.. can you see Pippi?

Notice that Nick caught this one on a Budweiser can lure

They both caught one at the same time... so cute!

Mike caught this 2lb 14oz bass... nice bum Nick!

September 12, 2008

2 nights on the town

Nick took me out for some Chinese food at Silver Maple on Thursday... Then Linda and Bill took us out Friday night to celebrate at Giorgio's.. and this is called a "Hot & Dirty", one of Nick's favorite drinks. Notice the dirty part!! HA