August 31, 2008

The new front porch

This is Nick's masterpiece... here is Grady serenading Nick and having a few beers.

Baby is on the way!!! :)

Baby is due March 6, 2009
We are so excited!!!

The 1st outfit the baby got was orange (shocking)-Thanks Stephanie and Henry.. SO CUTE!

August 23, 2008

Visit from the Lamothes

Henry and Stephanie brought over a fantastic dinner and a cute little girl to play with :)Daddy's little girl, Makayla

Mikey & Nick

Here is just 1 picture of the many fish they caught in Colorado

August 21, 2008

A fantastic visit...

Stephanie came over today with Makayla.. she is so precious! We spent some quality time on the new deck :)

August 20, 2008


Nick and I took everyone out for some breakfast..Drew loved the balloons Drew's surprised face with Googie

August 16, 2008

Happy 40th Bud!

We went to Bud and Melissa's to celebrate his birthday even though it is not until next week.

Drew lost the game of A**hole

Kev and Ry hanging with Tara, Mike and Drew

And he is off.....
Becky and Tammy Awesome cake Melissa!!
WOW... my big brother is going to be 40!

August 15, 2008


I hear SOME of you are sick of seeing 8-8-08... time to celebrate and that I should get off my butt and UPDATE. :)
Nick has been in Colorado for the past week and I have been working and cleaning.. FUN! SOOOO there are no pictures to post. I promise I will post some fun ones when Nick gets back. Enjoy the weekend.

August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Tara!

Just an old picture I found of us :) She is down the Cape...

August 08, 2008

8-8-08..time to celebrate!

We went over to the Kovaliv's house for dinner and his Mom, Dad and sister surprised him with this awesome gift. 10 years ago to the day Nick finished hiking the Appalachian Trail-Georgia to Maine... and this is his certificate and the badge he carried the entire way (2000 miles).


August 04, 2008

Visit from Amy, Connor & Charlie

Connor and Drew hanging out Big brother holding Charlie

Visit from Adele & Neily

Neil and Adele came down for lunch today. It was so good to see you guys!!

We missed you Lisa!

August 03, 2008

More house work

This was what was happening today at the house. Mike and Nick worked sooo hard on this patio. Even Drew had a few swings of the hammer...

August 01, 2008

3 crackers were not enough

These swans look real pretty...but they get evil so quick!!
Visitors down the cape