July 30, 2008


Today was a hot one... we only lasted a little while at the playground.The man of the hour.

July 29, 2008

Cape Cod

Tara and I headed down the Cape today. We brought Drew to the beach.

July 27, 2008

Having some fun!

Tara, Mike and Drew came over for dinner and Mike helped Nick with the porch.
Drew picking MORE blueberries...this bush is amazing~

Nick and Drew watching the rain pour down

Hanging out in their red sox hats

Frank the Tank better known as Drewy

July 26, 2008

Tiffany & Jim's wedding

We went to the Castelton last night to celebrate Tiffany and her dad
I was far away but tried to capture the moment
Her sister Traci

Me, Tiff and Erinn
Nick and IErinn and DeanThe yummy cake!

July 25, 2008

House projects

I know, I know, I know.... I have been slacking on the blogging... This is what we have been up to.....we are painting the house and putting on a new front porch :) Well Nick is!! Won't we all miss the yellow and green... HA

July 23, 2008

They have hatched

Weird pictures.. but the robin has used the same nest as last year... It looks like this little fella is hungry!
If you remember... I took a picture of only 1 egg.. well she had four eggs after it was all said and done...

July 12, 2008

2nd day at Pawtuckaway

It was my turn to catch a large mouth... 2 lbs 11oz... SWEET! Glenda and Mr. K
We took a cruise around the lake and saw a few loons.

Nick and his dad

Pipi at the bow
Glenda & I
We had beautiful weather and it was a great time! House sitting at its best!

July 11, 2008

Pawtuckaway Lake

Glenda & Pipi taking a cruise Pipi watching over Nick & Mr. K (they swam across the lake)
Like father, like son
Nick caught a large mouth the first night we were there

July 10, 2008

Random pics

We were sitting in the house when this little fella came barreling up our back steps... wanting to come in. We are still not sure where she belongs. She left us and hasn't come back. We hope this is a good thing! Our blueberry bush is going crazy!
No more front steps!!

July 08, 2008

Charlie has arrived!

I finally met Charlie today... he was born on June 19th--Congratulations Amy & Patrick... he is adorable!

July 07, 2008

Down at the lake

After a long day in the yard we headed to the lake to cool off... Ryan and Kevin were lucky to have Nick and Dad there to toss them around!
Chicken fights :)

Kevin & Ryan

A beautiful robin egg above our door... again!

July 06, 2008

Our last day in York

Nick and I just hanging out... We took another walk along the harbor and into the woods.

July 05, 2008

Pat & Ev's Wedding

Drew was the man in his suit Papa and Drew

Drew being a good boy at the ceremony
Jan with Mike and Ryan
Pat and all his groomsmen
Ev and her Dad
Ev and Pat
Jan and her boys!
The men....
Mom and her daughters (and Drew)
3 sisters
York had their fireworks on the 5th-here we are!
Sitting on tons of rocks on the beach
Just 1 shot of the fireworks-they were awesome!