June 30, 2008

We had a WHALE of a time!

We left out of Barnstable Harbor and this is the lighthouse on Sandy Neck Beach. Can you see me?

We saw about 20+ whales--Humpback and Finback We also were lucky to see several mother whales with their babies.
The boat went right off of Provincetown to see these massive mammals

Even though Nick had second thoughts about going.. he was one of those people running from one side of the boat to the other :)

Patrick's birthday party

Aunt Barbara and Gary came by and helped us celebrate Patrick's birthday.

We played a couple mean games of Wii... I am a little sore from pitching!

June 29, 2008

Cape Cod Baseball Game

We were able to see a great game of baseball. The Falmouth Commodores played
Bourne. Some of our Red Sox players came from the Cape Cod league.

A cute puppy watching the game

June 28, 2008

Our backyard goes for days!

Thanks to ALL the Kovalivs :) We have a nice new garden in our backyard. We bought a dogwood for our anniversary and every June it will bloom! Our first flower!!!

June 27, 2008

Trip to VT

I headed up to Woodstock, VT to spend the day with Kristen. Tucker, her puppy, broke her hand while she was giving him a bath. Don't get your pinkie finger stuck under the collar! OUCH!

June 26, 2008

Ella Thomas :)

Holly came by so we could see her of course and meet her baby girl Ella. She is SOOO cute!
8 weeks old!
We had Norbert, Katy, Grady & Bill over for a BBQ :)

June 24, 2008


School is out AND it is Drew's birthday!

June 21, 2008

Drew's Birthday Party

We celebrated Drew's 2nd birthday today. It was a great party!


We have a new friend...he is somewhere in our yard!

June 20, 2008

Sand sculpting at the beach

Tara drove Nick, Ryan, Drew and myself to Hampton Beach to see the sand sculptures.Tammy, here is one for you!

Ryan and Drew chillin'
Tara, Nick and the boys looking at the work!
Hi Drew-Your birthday is in a few days!Nick and Ryan taking a walkRyan's toes slowly getting numb :)

June 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Tara did a nice job on the cake! Mom and her grandsons
Blowing out the candles
Karate anyone?

June 18, 2008

School is almost out!!

I found this little critter outside in the road today... he needs a home! Hi Rocky
I went to mom & dad's-just a quick shot

June 17, 2008

Googie's 80th Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Googie!! We met up with my cousins and Uncle and Aunt at a restaurant called Bainbridges in Chelmsford. Googie was so surprised! Mom and Googs Uncle Bo, Googie and Mom
Aunt Janet and Uncle Bo
Mike and I Mike, Nick and Bud
Me, Julie, Tara and Tammy

I tried to call you Janelle-miss you :)