May 31, 2008

Cheese, Donuts, Ben & Jerry's...

On the way home we stopped at the Cabot Cheese factory for some free samples of cheese (Pat you would have loved it)
Nick is such a cute cow!
The 2nd stop was at a cider mill. We got a tasty treat after 8 hours of being in a car while it down poured
Busy bees
3rd stop--A very talented glass blower!
4th stop-- Nick and I--just in case you thought it was really Ben & Jerry
I want this bus!

May 30, 2008


When we got to Baba's house we found Pipi We met up with Lydia-Nick's godmother
These are the cousins-Serge, Nick, Christopher and Anna
Baba's house

May 29, 2008

Trip to Canada

We made our way up north and stopped at The Anchor Bar--where the first Buffalo Wings were made. It was a tasty treat after all those hours in the car! We also made a quick stop at Niagara Falls to take in the view.

The yard has come alive!

May 28, 2008


I found these fur balls at the softball field living under the dugout. There were 4 baby gophers and a mom. AND we are in the championship game!!

May 26, 2008

Happy 25th Birthday Chris

Another Memorial Day BBQ celebration
Chris blowing out his candles with Mrs. EatonGrandpa & Grandma Eaton with Nick
Mr. Eaton striking a pose :)

May 25, 2008

Last minute BBQ at our house

Summer is here!!!!

Kevin and Ryan at the pool Neily and his girl
Drew and Uncle Bud

Googie and Brad flirting
Mom and Drew

Lisa and AdeleNick and Chris in the backNorbert, Katy and DougWe celebrated Amy and Dad's birthday

The Cassidy family and Nick
Crazy Uncle & Aunt with Ryan and Kevin

Wrestle Mania... I think Kevin wonChris are you ok?Dale lighting off fireworksAmy.. watch your back

May 24, 2008

Lisa & Neil's BBQ

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
We headed up to Hampton on Friday night and had a great day on Saturday.
Adele-- what a cutie
Nick and Neil setting up the keg
Adele looking at the boys to see how it is done
Meme and her girl
Who are these hot guys?The Aussie flag was flyingLisa and IMilo making the night a little exciting-

May 22, 2008

Doug has left WLC :(

We headed to Elisha's for some drinks to say goodbye to Doug. He will be missed!
Katy & Norbert hanging out Here is the man of the hour
Claire even showed up :)
About 25 teachers were there to say farewell...