April 30, 2008

The Common Man and our Canoe....

We took the "new" car out tonight for a spin. Had some dinner and had to park across the street because the car wouldn't fit in the restaurant parking lot. Then we tried to see how many guys could fit in the trunk... and play the guitar.
Look how big this thing is....WOW
'73 Lincoln Continental

Bill and Grady jamming out in the back seat... you could have a party back there...

Nick, Grady and Bill (a friend of Dale's & now ours :))


Congratulations to Greg and Holly. They had a baby girl yesterday...Ella Francis Ehrman Born:4:34am-- 7.9 lbs-- 20' tall. Healthy and beautiful!!! We are so happy for you guys!!
Also, Lisa (my assistant coach) and Tom had a baby girl today at 9:30am---Emma Rachel Blais... Congratulations! Everyone is doing well.

April 29, 2008

New bathroom

The bathroom is finally finished. YEA!

April 27, 2008

BBQ @ The Cassidy's

Connor with his rockets A cardinal made her nest outside their bathroom window.

April 26, 2008


Nick and I are on vacation this upcoming week. YEA! We are still not sure what we are going to do, but we will keep you posted. Hope everyone is doing well. Off to finish the bathroom and work on the front yard.

April 24, 2008

3rd annual trip to Washington, D.C. w/ the 8th grade

The Korean Memorial was the first thing we saw after our 9 hour bus ride

All the students at the Capitol Building
The adults having some fun with Albert

WWII Memorial
Does anyone know why this is hidden on the WWII memorial??? At the zoo.. Katy and I met a friendI wanted to take this one home in my backpack!

April 19, 2008

Ryan's birthday party!

Nick & Ryan fooling around Kevin & Ryan blowing out the candles

A new bike!!!
Drew looking for some chips :)

April 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Lisa!

My assistant softball coach had a birthday... I got all the girls together to celebrate :)

April 11, 2008

Out on the town

Nick and I went to Amy & Patrick's house.. picked up Patrick and headed to Margaritas to meet up with Nick's childhood friends who are sisters. It was great to meet up with them.
Katie, Sarah & Emily

Cutie Pie

Drew and Tara came by for a visit

Looking out the window waving to Mimi

April 05, 2008

Hockey Game

Some friends went out on the town to watch the Monarchs game.

Fight, fight, fight!

April 02, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Ryan

All Ryan wanted was the game Hungry, Hungry Hippos... They boys had a fun time playing
We also got him a Goofy hat/head..so cute!
After Ryan opened his Cars wallet I told him to go see Papa for some money!

April 01, 2008

Hot dogs!

Today we went to Spikes, one of our favorite hot dog places down in Providence. Liz, Stephanie and Katy with full bellies.