January 28, 2008

Congratulations Stephanie & Henry

Their marriage took place on Saturday, January 26th up at Snowflake Inn. We are all excited to see pictures!

Here is Stephanie in my classroom opening up some gifts and enjoying the moment :)

January 27, 2008

About to head back to NH

I had to take a couple pictures of our cute nephews
The pond frozen over with snow on it.
On our way home we were able to see all the Patriots buses. The highway was blocked off and people were going crazy!! This is the only shot we got as we were going about 55mph and Nick was reaching across me to take the picture.

January 26, 2008

Orange daisy and a Bee!!

Tammy and Patrick showed up with a beautiful cake on Saturday so I was able to have everyone sing to me AGAIN. I loved it!! Thank you!!

Sunrise and low tide at the Cape

We woke up early to meet Donald to get some quahogs. Dad was the only one to go in out of us. Amy, Nick and I walked up and down the beach cheering them on. It was so cold they had to break through some thin ice to get to the good spots. They were delicious steamed up later on in the day
Donald out with the seagulls

Amy and Nick trying to stay warm

Dad heading in (he is still light headed from putting his waders on. HA!)
Dad and Donald living off the land... they are hardcore!

January 25, 2008

My 30th down the Cape

I was lucky to have my ENTIRE family down to celebrate. We had a great time!

January 24, 2008

The Loft

Most of my work friends made a trip to the Pasta Loft to celebrate the big 3-0 on Thursday!
Henry even showed up late night...

Nick had a dozen roses sent to my work... they were and still are beautiful!

January 19, 2008


Nick was able to knock down a beehive for Katy & Norbert... no one got stung!

Happy 40th Anniversary Mom & Dad

We took Mom & Dad out to dinner at The Mile Away Restaurant in Milford. Dad gave Mom some roses and the children and spouses gave them a family picture and dinner.

After several tries we chose this beauty to give to Mom & Dad Happy Anniversary!
We love you both!

January 17, 2008


Norbert made 2 delicious pizzas after bowling... Thanks guys~!

We actually got to see Ray shed his skin and eat it.. this is Norbert's pet gecko

Bowling anyone?

Katy, Nick and I took some students glow bowling on Thursday night...

January 14, 2008

Snow day #3

Our cute little friends....

January 12, 2008

A beautiul day in Cumberland, RI

Aileen made a wonderful breakfast and then we headed outside to enjoy the weather!

Gabby relaxing on a rock

Colin is raking some snow after making snowballs

Tristan and Colin cruising in their Escalade...they were hilarious

Kenny and Gabby having a deep discussion about a stick

Gabby taking a stroll

January 11, 2008

A visit to R.I. to see the Railey family

We had a great time...thanks for having us down!

Shhhh we are sleeping....

January 08, 2008

Skiing at Crotched Mtn.

We decided to do some night skiing when the temperature was in our favor....60 degrees or so!

January 06, 2008

Haircut time...

I thought this picture was funny! The hair catcher thing reminds me of a dog lamp shade :)

X-Country Skiing

Behind our house we have about 600 acres of conservation land. We decided to venture out and explore.
This is how the morning started off.. I took about 5 spills before I got really going....HALook at me go... WOW
This crazy little bridge made me nervous, but we both made it over

We ended up skiing for about 2 hours and I have decided that I will attempt this sport again. It was fun :)