December 30, 2008


We met up with some friends from work to have dinner and some drinks. (we hadn't seen them in a month) :)
Liz and Glenn Sweet hat Norbert!

December 26, 2008

Slumber party!

Neil, Lisa & Adele came and spent the night. It was great to see them!
Adele is opening some gifts with Lisa.
Adele's new Teddy
She brought her horse with her...Lis and Neil playing some tennis on the Wii!

Thanks for coming down to play with us!

December 25, 2008

1 more picture

Merry Christmas... this picture was taken late on Christmas day when we got home.

Merry Christmas!

Nick and I went to Mom & Dad's for lunch--almost everyone was there, including Melissa's parents. We missed you Tammy and Pat

Kevin with his juice mustache Nick and Ry

Merry Christmas!

Nick and I headed over to the Kovaliv's house on Christmas morning to open MORE gifts...the never ending Christmas season. It was great!

Nick bought their tree for was perfect!

Anna and I
Glenda made this wall hanging for Anna-so talented!
Can you tell I got a new camera (well probably not yet, I am still learning). I love it! Thanks Nick

December 24, 2008

Our Tree!

Nick and I opened presents when we got home late on Christmas eve. Santa had already stopped by!

Santa was in town!

Bud and Melissa had a Christmas party and Santa made an appearance.

Ryan and Kevin were in heaven

The two prego book ends with Tara!
Melissa and Nick
The C's
Dad & Mr. C

Tara and Mom
The looks like Tammy is getting her hair pulled!
The whole fam damily!

Christmas Eve morning

Nick and I went over to Mike and Tara's to see Drew open up gifts from Mimi and Papa and had a delicious breakfast. Thanks for the invite!
Nice hair on this Cabbage Patch kid :)

December 23, 2008

Christmas with Mom & Dad

Nick and I went to Mom and Dad's on Tuesday night to celebrate Christmas. We had an awesome dinner at The Common Man and opened some great gifts :) Thanks for a wonderful Christmas!We got these adorable outfits for the baby.

December 22, 2008

We are famous!

We found out that we were in the Boston Wedding Magazine!! Nick went to Barnes and Noble to see if it was true... sure enough on page 59 there is a picture of both of us at the bottom left and one of me and my veil on the right. Pretty cool!

Mountain View Grand advertisement

December 21, 2008

Christmas with Ryan & Kevin

Nick and I went over the Bud and Melissa's for a great night. Mom and Dad & Ron and Liz were there doing Christmas with the boys. We joined in and gave our gifts as well.

Ryan and Kevin picked these 2 outfits out for their cousin-Ryan took this pictureRyan taking a picture with Nick
Us and the boys!
Kevin opening gifts
Ryan modeling his new jacket he got from Mimi & Papa

Waiting for ANOTHER GIFTThey are now all set for the snowmobile! Perfect timing~

December 20, 2008

1st snow storm on the season

Nick and I have had 7 days of being off from school/work... we still have 2 more days off before our Christmas Break!! This equals 17 days off not including the weekends. The ice storm really did some damage so the school district made our break a bit longer! There are people, like Tara and Mike, who still don't have power. Mom and Dad, Bud and Melissa got it back last night!!!
This is our neighbors house.. it has been over a week and the tree is still not off the house!

A view from the slider door this morning.

December 16, 2008

Day 4 of no school

BUT we did get our power back at 5:00am today!!! YAY~

December 15, 2008

My cousin Janelle and Aunt came up to visit with Googie. Tara, Mom and I went over to say hi! Mason and Marlee are adorable~
Tara and I have not showered in a few days!!

Mason is the man! Marlee and Great Googie

The crew!

Day 4--No power

Nick is sitting on the back steps reading his book watching the small generator work hard to make his coffee. He also made a nice breakfast on the grill!

December 14, 2008

Day 3 without power!

We celebrated Christmas with Drew, Tara & Mike by candlelight/flashlights. We were watching Pippi for Nick's parents so she was loving all the attention! Drew opening gifts

We had a slumber party at our house because we have town water and heat from our wood burning furnace.