November 30, 2007

The Flats.. to The Common Man

Katy, Norbert, Nick and I had some Mexican dinner and then met up with Linda and her sister at the Common Man Restaurant.

A visit to see Googie

Dad brought in the moose antlers for a show... Tara, Drew and Googs hanging out

November 24, 2007

How cute... it is perfect!

Nick making the tree nice and straight!
Oh Christmas Tree.....
Aunt Barbara... did you notice all the bells... OH YA!!! :)

Our 1st Christmas Tree!

Nick & I asked Ryan, Kevin, Bud & Melissa to help us pick & cut down our tree... Ryan had a blast hiding in the trees, cutting it down and dragging it out...

November 23, 2007

We ventured to Concord, NH

Grady, Nick and I hung out with Brad for awhile and then headed up to The Draft.. we met up with Cait, Gene & Steve... it was great to see everyone
The boys!

Happy 2nd Thanksgiving

We were so lucky to be able to have 2 Thanksgivings... We had a wonderful day at the Kovaliv's
Anna, Nick and Grady with the nice homemade pies!
The Kovaliv's
Pippi with a HUGE leaf from a tree up the road.. I made it her blanket!


November 22, 2007


Mom made a wonderful turkey dinner... as ALWAYS~

Here is a picture of 3 turkeys ;)

Drew and Auntie DD
Mimi and Drew
Ryan and Kevin thinking they are eating chicken...
The carver... like his new shirt.. HA
Mike, Drew & Tara in the spooky fog
Good thing I have Nick... my car needed to be fixed about 3 times this weekend.. we think it is all good to go now... fingers crossed.

November 21, 2007

Venison anyone?

We got back to the Kovaliv's on Wed morning and this is what we saw in their backyard!

November 20, 2007

A well deserved trip to Portsmouth

Nick, Anna and I met up with Brad, Lemos, Neil, Lisa & Baby--we all went to Portsmouth Brewery for dinner and some when to the Warren Miller Ski Premier and others went to The Rusty Hammer and Fat Belly's. Thanks for letting us stay the night L&N :)

November 11, 2007

Kevin found a Christmas present...

Melissa and I went Christmas shopping and tried to hide one of his gifts... whoops!
Not the Guinness sign...

November 10, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday to Kevin

We celebrated over Mimi and Papa's house on Sat. night.

Lisa and Neil's Baby Shower~

Lisa looked great.. only a month a little to go :) We can't wait to see the little one!!!

November 09, 2007

Another Friday afternoon after school/work!

Pasta Loft to Kilkenny's to Winky the super dog!