July 31, 2007

our robins are so grown up!

almost ready to leave the nest....

Hi Nick :)

July 29, 2007

Sunday.. just relaxing...

Drew found his tongue!
Renee eatting her first lobster... it was yummy!
We met up with Dale & Emily for dinner tonight in Norwood.

July 28, 2007

Saturday... enjoying the Cape~

Nick & Bud trimming the trees in the back yard...
After the hard work we went out fishing.. Dad, Bud, Nick, Renee and I...and the fog!
There is our Aussie friend Renee... :) She is here visiting from Canada for a week...
We did some quahoging...Renee & I were the cheerleaders :)

July 25, 2007

The boys and Melissa are in Florida for a while...

Melissa took this picture.. I think they want to go swimming :) So cute!

July 24, 2007

Nick, Tara & I went and saw Chuck & Larry.. great movie :)

Tara and Nick with their friends... Nick is that a big enough bag of popcorn?

July 13, 2007

Pub Crawl in Milford with my teacher friends :)

Nick & I stayed home this weekend... it was good to catch up with friends!

July 07, 2007


We had a great family day at the beach...always good times at the Cape!

July 04, 2007

July 4th-Nick, Amy & Patrick took me to their home town parade in Amherst!

ok... sorry i haven't been blogging lately.... married life is crazy! :)