May 30, 2007

Happy Memorial Day!

Kevin, Nick and Ryan... this picture sums up the weekend.. we relaxed down the Cape... no wedding or house stuff got done :)

May 22, 2007

May 19, 2007

A moose on the loose

A couple of random pictures of a moose Nick and I saw in the neighborhood a couple months ago.

May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day- We had Drew's Baptism today-Ryan McCarthy and I are his Godparents!

Tara, Mike and Drew with his new Godparents-Ryan and Mandy

The Sheridan Family :)

Here he is.. we were so proud :)

May 05, 2007

BBQ and good times at the new house

Nick's buds.. Doug and Mike are home from Colorado visiting and Steve came down from Dartmouth for the night :) It was great to see them!!