October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!!

More pictures to come....it wouldn't let me download... i will try tomorrow...

October 08, 2006

Nick and I are engaged...it was a sunset we will never forget!!

The ledge where we got engaged...

After the special moment... ahhhh
The view from where we were...
Before we got engaged...me having no clue...just taking pictures as usual...

We hiked up to the top of Table Rock... overlooking The Balsams.. the sun was setting.. the mountains were full of color and we were all alone... it was more than perfect....

October 07, 2006

Nick took me to "The Balsams"

Fly Fishing in front of the hotel...there was so much to do there...

Our bike ride to Mud Pond-what a beautiful night!

October 06, 2006

Pictures from our trip to the most spectacular hotel in NH

Our 1st time playing golf together
The hotel in the middle of the Mts.

This is Table Rock... what a hike...but it was all worth it :)

October 01, 2006

My cousin Kim's wedding-Congratulations :)

Drew was there for the entire wedding and reception.. he was such a good boy!!
Kenny and Drew hanging out

Rico and Kim's first dance! Cousin Kenny and I...
Rico and Kim.. how cute!
What a couple...:)
Beautiful Kim!