July 23, 2006

The "Barn Party"- Rye, NH with the Dorherty's.

There was a live Irish band, a bagpiper and some horse shoes.
Even Guinness was on tap!

July 21, 2006

Vermont trip to visit some great friends :)

K playing pool at the OTG...we headed into Woodstock for some drinks

Chris, Kristen, Nick and I... we had a blast!
We did lunch at Long Trail.... good times!

July 03, 2006

Our bike ride on the Cape Cod Canal

Nick waiting for me to take a picture of the tug boat
The Bourne Bridge
Amy and I riding on the canal path
A cute tug boat :)
The Sagamore Bridge

July 02, 2006

Bike Ride!!

Lisa, Neil, Nick and I went for a bike ride from Falmouth Harbor to Woods Hole. We ate some ice cream and then rode back to grab a drink at the Flying Bridge. Nick bought us some sweet Cannondale Bikes... xoxo

July 01, 2006

Boat ride with some friends and Dad~

Dad and I... are we cute or what??
Neil and Lisa fishing.. Neil was the only one to get a fish :)
Captain Quist!!
Dad parking the boat so he could join us at the bar on Oak Bluffs... GOOD TIMES :)